One of the things about TeleFinder™ which bugs me is the absence of any way to capture a session to a file like we always used to do with the old comms applications. It would have been a simple matter for the authors of TeleFinder™ to incorporate such a capability. To help overcome this limitation I have written the TFCapture DA. Just install it in the TeleFinder™ application (hold down the Option key and click Open in Font/DA Mover). The ordering of the captured output may seem unusual at times, but this just reflects the order in which it is written to the screen.
You have two options: filtered or unfiltered capture. Unfiltered capture is difficult to read to say the least. The filtered option tries to present you with a more readable and useful output. Note that you must actually close your text windows (as distinct from open folders) while capture is in progress to record the text in those windows.
Hopefully, later versions of TeleFinder™ will integrate a capture feature and make my efforts redundant.